Chrome plating

Chrome plating is a technique of electroplating a thin layer of chromium onto a metal or plastic object. The chromed layer can be decorative, provide corrosion resistance, ease cleaning procedures, or increase surface hardness. Sometimes a less expensive imitator of chrome may be used for aesthetic purposes.
Chrome plating a component typically includes these stages:
1. Degreasing to remove heavy soiling
2. Manual cleaning to remove all residual traces of dirt and surface impurities
Various pretreatments depending on the substrate
3. Placement into the chrome plating vat, where it is allowed to warm to solution temperature
4. Application of plating current for the required time to attain the desired thickness
There are many variations to this process, depending on the type of substrate being plated. Different substrates need different etching solutions, such as hydrochloric, hydrofluoric, and sulfuric acids (also called sulphuric acid).

Various linishing and buffing processes are used in preparing components for decorative chrome plating. The overall appearance of decorative chrome plating is only as good as the preparation of the component.[1]
The chrome plating chemicals are very toxic. Disposal of chemicals is regulated in most countries.